Dr. Néstor Escalona Burgos Professor Néstor Escalona Burgos obtained his degree in Chemistry and a professional degree in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Chile in 1997, and obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Chile, in 2002. In 2003 and 2006 He completed a postdoctoral stay at the Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement in Lyon, France. From 2004 to September 2015 he was an associate professor in the Physicochemistry Department of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Universidad de Concepción. In 2013 he was a visiting professor at the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department of the University of Maine, United States. As of October 2016, he is Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses and of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). neescalona@ing.puc.cl
Principal Investigator
Postdoctoral Researchers
Ph.D Students
Dr. Esteban Camú Macaya Esteban is an Industrial Chemist and holds a degree in Chemistry from the Metropolitan Technological University, a Master's in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Chile and a PhD in Sciences with a major in Chemistry from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He is currently developing his postdoctorate in our laboratory studying the kinetics of the acetylation reaction of benzaldehyde catalyzed by MOF's. esteban.camu@uc.cl
MSc. Diego Aguirre Abarca Diego holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry and a master's degree in chemistry from the University of Costa Rica. During 5 years he developed his teaching career at the University of Costa Rica, Atlantic campus. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemistry in our laboratory, developing monocatalysts of the Core-Shell type for the transformation of biomass derivatives. dlaguirre@uc.cl
MSc. César Pazo César is a Higher University Technician in Applied Chemistry from IUT Cumaná - Venezuela. He then obtained a degree in Chemistry from the University Institute of Technology - Capital Region of Caracas, Venezuela (IUT-RC) and Master in Chemistry from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). For 14 years he developed his professional career at the Venezuelan Petroleum Institute of Technology, where he based his experience in the application of Gas Chromatography for research, development and analytical services in Oil and Gas. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemistry in our laboratory developing the subject of catalysis through MOF's. capazo@uc.cl
Technical Suppport
Lic. Adrien Boulard Adrien is an Instrumentation Engineer from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN), France boulardadrien@gmail.com
Catalitic Materials Laboratory- Chemical Engineering and Bioprocess Deparment - Engineering Faculty - Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty - Campus San Joaquín - Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) Santiago - Chile
Lic. Claudio Contreras Díaz Graduated in 2018 from chemical environmental engineering at the University of Tarapacá, he is currently doing his doctorate in our laboratory studying the synthesis of Jet-Fuel through alcoholic condensation. cicontreras6@uc.cl
MSc. Junior Lorenzo Llanes Junior is a Chemical Engineer and Master in Process Analysis and Control with a minor in Process Simulation from the Technological University of Havana (Cujae). For 6 years he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the same university. Currently he is doing his PhD in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses in our laboratory focused on the modeling and simulation of biomass thermoconversion processes in value-added products. jlorenzo2@uc.cl
Lic. Liliana Llatance mllatance@uc.cl
Lic. Josselyn Vilca jvilca1@uc.cl
Laboratory of Catalytic Materials Engineering Faculty - Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty
Lic. Josefa Pinto Josefa is a Chemist with a degree in Chemistry from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, in her undergraduate thesis she carried out the synthesis of CNT and Ni / CNT for the hydrogenation of furfural by biphasic catalysis. She is currently doing her Ph.D. in Chemistry at our university. jipinto1@uc.cl
Lic. Einar Coronado Einar is a Chemical Engineer from the University of San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca (Sucre-Bolivia) and a Master's in Chemical Engineering Sciences, an area of specialization in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University Federico Santa María. For 12 years he served as professor of Chemical Reactor Design and Water Treatment in the Chemical Engineering career of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at USFXCh. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering in our laboratory. eccoronado@uc.cl
Lic. Camila Pavesi Camila has a degree in Engineering Sciences from our university. She is currently completing her Chemical Industrial Civil Engineering degree and in parallel her Master of Engineering Sciences in our laboratory. She works with zirconia supported molybdenum carbide catalysts to generate hydrogen in situ by aqueous phase reforming (APR) of ethanol. capavesi@uc.cl
Dra. Elodie Blanco Assistant Professor of the Departments of Construction Engineering and Management and of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile since November 2021. Dr. Blanco is a Chemical Civil Engineer from the Caen National Higher School of Engineering (Caen, France). Subsequently, she did her PhD studies at Lyon 1 University (Lyon, France). During her professional career, she has carried out several postdoctoral studies in the field of catalysis in different research centers: ENI, IRCELYON ALDERYS. In 2017 she was awarded another Fondecyt postdoctoral project where she developed catalytic materials based on Metallic Carbides in our laboratory. Currently, her research is based on the study of new materials for capturing and using CO2 to reduce the carbon footprint of the construction industry. elblanco@uc.cl
Dr. Claudio Araya Chemical civil engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile, with a Master's degree in engineering sciences, chemical engineering mention, and a Doctor in engineering sciences, process engineering mention, work developed in the membrane separation processes laboratory. His doctoral research was developed in the use of triazole ionic liquid-based catalysts in the dehydration of fructose to obtain 5- hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). Currently, he has 4 publications and a book chapter on sustainable catalysis.
MSc. Giovanni Ulloa Giovanni is a Biochemist and Master in Applied Biochemistry from the University of Chile. The last 5 years he has developed functions in the Central Administration of the State, recently occupying the position of Scientific Advisor in the Ministry of National Defense. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering in our laboratory.
MSc Students
Laboratory of Catalytic Materials Engineering Faculty Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty
Laboratorio de Materiales Catalíticos - Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Bioprocesos - Facultad de Ingeniería - Facultad de Química y de Farmacia Campus San Joaquín - Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), Santiago - Chile
Professor Néstor Escalona Burgos obtained his degree in Chemistry and a professional degree in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Chile in 1997, and obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Chile, in 2002. In 2003 and 2006 He completed a postdoctoral stay at the Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement in Lyon, France. From 2004 to September 2015 he was an associate professor in the Physicochemistry Department of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Universidad de Concepción. In 2013 he was a visiting professor at the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department of the University of Maine, United States. As of October 2016, he is Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses and of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). neescalona@ing.puc.cl
Principal Investigator
Postdoctoral Researchers
Ph.D Students
Dr. Esteban Camú Macaya Esteban is an Industrial Chemist and holds a degree in Chemistry from the Metropolitan Technological University, a Master's in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Chile and a PhD in Sciences with a major in Chemistry from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He is currently developing his postdoctorate in our laboratory studying the kinetics of the acetylation reaction of benzaldehyde catalyzed by MOF's. esteban.camu@uc.cl
MSc. Diego Aguirre Abarca Diego holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry and a master's degree in chemistry from the University of Costa Rica. During 5 years he developed his teaching career at the University of Costa Rica, Atlantic campus. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemistry in our laboratory, developing monocatalysts of the Core-Shell type for the transformation of biomass derivatives. dlaguirre@uc.cl
MSc. César Pazo César is a Higher University Technician in Applied Chemistry from IUT Cumaná - Venezuela. He then obtained a degree in Chemistry from the University Institute of Technology - Capital Region of Caracas, Venezuela (IUT-RC) and Master in Chemistry from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). For 14 years he developed his professional career at the Venezuelan Petroleum Institute of Technology, where he based his experience in the application of Gas Chromatography for research, development and analytical services in Oil and Gas. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemistry in our laboratory developing the subject of catalysis through MOF's. capazo@uc.cl
Dr. Néstor Escalona Burgos
Technical Suppport
Lic. Adrien Boulard Adrien is an Instrumentation Engineer from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN), France boulardadrien@gmail.com
Lic. Claudio Contreras Díaz Graduated in 2018 from chemical environmental engineering at the University of Tarapacá, he is currently doing his doctorate in our laboratory studying the synthesis of Jet-Fuel through alcoholic condensation. cicontreras6@uc.cl
MSc. Junior Lorenzo Llanes Junior is a Chemical Engineer and Master in Process Analysis and Control with a minor in Process Simulation from the Technological University of Havana (Cujae). For 6 years he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the same university. Currently he is doing his PhD in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses in our laboratory focused on the modeling and simulation of biomass thermoconversion processes in value-added products. jlorenzo2@uc.cl
MSc Students
Lic. Liliana Llatance mllatance@uc.cl
Lic. Josselyn Vilca jvilca1@uc.cl
Lic. Einar Coronado Einar is a Chemical Engineer from the University of San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca (Sucre-Bolivia) and a Master's in Chemical Engineering Sciences, an area of specialization in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University Federico Santa María. For 12 years he served as professor of Chemical Reactor Design and Water Treatment in the Chemical Engineering career of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at USFXCh. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering in our laboratory. eccoronado@uc.cl
Lic. Camila Pavesi Camila has a degree in Engineering Sciences from our university. She is currently completing her Chemical Industrial Civil Engineering degree and in parallel her Master of Engineering Sciences in our laboratory. She works with zirconia supported molybdenum carbide catalysts to generate hydrogen in situ by aqueous phase reforming (APR) of ethanol. capavesi@uc.cl
Dra. Elodie Blanco Assistant Professor of the Departments of Construction Engineering and Management and of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile since November 2021. Dr. Blanco is a Chemical Civil Engineer from the Caen National Higher School of Engineering (Caen, France). Subsequently, she did her PhD studies at Lyon 1 University (Lyon, France). During her professional career, she has carried out several postdoctoral studies in the field of catalysis in different research centers: ENI, IRCELYON ALDERYS. In 2017 she was awarded another Fondecyt postdoctoral project where she developed catalytic materials based on Metallic Carbides in our laboratory. Currently, her research is based on the study of new materials for capturing and using CO2 to reduce the carbon footprint of the construction industry. elblanco@uc.cl
Lic. Josefa Pinto Josefa is a Chemist with a degree in Chemistry from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, in her undergraduate thesis she carried out the synthesis of CNT and Ni / CNT for the hydrogenation of furfural by biphasic catalysis. She is currently doing her Ph.D. in Chemistry at our university. jipinto1@uc.cl
MSc. Giovanni Ulloa Giovanni is a Biochemist and Master in Applied Biochemistry from the University of Chile. The last 5 years he has developed functions in the Central Administration of the State, recently occupying the position of Scientific Advisor in the Ministry of National Defense. He is currently doing his PhD in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering in our laboratory.
Dr. Claudio Araya Chemical civil engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile, with a Master's degree in engineering sciences, chemical engineering mention, and a Doctor in engineering sciences, process engineering mention, work developed in the membrane separation processes laboratory. His doctoral research was developed in the use of triazole ionic liquid-based catalysts in the dehydration of fructose to obtain 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). Currently, he has 4 publications and a book chapter on sustainable catalysis.